Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No Day and Night

Not again. No Day and night for my dear dear. My poor dear dear yesterday start work at 9am and off work at 4am and reach home and rest for 2 and the half hours and need to wake up agian to go for work. Lucky i SMS her if not she will be late for work. What a tired working day for my dear dear. What what kind of boss in this company. I ask her to take half or one day off to rest and my the said her boss will angry due to this coming CNY season very busy time. But still need to rest ma.If for me, I will not care for this boss because this boss will not take care of the worker and some more no OT pay and work like Maid.... I hate to work in this kind of company. Dear dear please get a day off to rest la. today untill next week you work untill what times???? not alway off work at 1.30am,2.30am, 3am and 4am. If your body give way how???? I hate your boss .....

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